
Over the last several months I have taking personal inventory of the areas of my life that are in need of upgrades.  I have discovered that there are many qualities that I want to cultivate and that there are many traits that I simply need to let go of and allow God to change.  We are our own worst critics, so I am certain that you have had moments where your personal checklist needed an overhaul as well.

That desire to grow and continue learning is powerful.  Truly progressive people are constantly pursuing growth whether it be in leadership, in education, or in their careers.  What I have learned through my journey of personal transformation is that to grow in stature as a man of God I could learn plenty from the stereotypical ex-girlfriend (Who will remain nameless) or boyfriend for all of the ladies out there.

1.) I must be needy… If what I am doing on my own can be accomplished without divine intervention then it is doomed for mediocrity.

2.) I must be clingy…   Psalm 119:114  You are my refuge and my shield;
your word is my source of hope.  We have to stay in his presence and hide his word in our hearts.

3.) I must be over-sensitive… There are moments when toughness and discipline are in order, there are also times when we need to see through eyes of compassion and be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.  (Romans 8:5)

4.) I must say I am sorry way too much… For us to advance there has to be a “turning from” the things that bind and shackle. That is the definition of repentance; God help us to stay near to your heart and close to the cross.

5.) I must refuse to let go… Psalm 130:5 I am counting on the Lord yes, I am counting on him.
I have put my hope in his word.  I know that things aren’t always going to go according to script, but we have    undying hope because of our God and the cross of Jesus Christ.

I want to learn, I want to move forward, and I want to see progress in all areas of my life.  You probably have the same passion to continue your growth as a leader and a man/woman of God.  Read books, listen to Podcasts, go to conferences, but remember what Paul wrote to the Colossians in chapter 1; 27 For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory.  Everything we could ever need to lead, to minister, to parent, to change the world lives in us.


What are the resources you are currently using for personal/spiritual growth?  How have you engaged others to advance in their own lives?